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I Met Her On the Balcony Page 5
I Met Her On the Balcony Read online
Page 5
“Wow, Penny, thanks. You think of everything,” Lucy pulled her sister in for a hug.
“Yes I do. Now get dressed, so I can do your makeup.” Penny pushed her sister into the bathroom, as she protested all the way.
“I’m not wearing makeup! Yes, I’ll wear the dress, but not makeup.” Lucy insisted.
“Just for once, Lucy, will you do as you’re told?” Penny huffed at her, and Lucy conceded.
Lucy fidgeted, and constantly looked at the clock. With her nerves increasing, she was sure that the makeup Penny had applied would vanish in a sea of sweat. Ash was due to arrive in little under five minutes, and she wasn’t sure if she could stand the wait.
Finally, she could see a car heading her way. When she realised what it was, she felt even more on edge. It was black, low to the ground, and a very expensive looking sports car. Had Ash hired a car just to take her out?
He pulled up, and jumped out. He was dressed in dark jeans, and a black buttoned up shirt. He seemed casual, comfortable, and appeared more handsome than she had ever seen him.
She wasn’t sure if she felt overdressed or underdressed, but Lucy needed to freak out about something. Their eyes met from where she was sitting on the porch awaiting him, and her nervous panic fled. Instead, she felt filled with a wonderful warmth that calmed and soothed her.
“Hey, Lucy, you look really beautiful,” Ash said, as he strode up the stairs to meet her.
“Hi, Ash. Um, ditto,” she said which made him laugh heartily.
“Thanks, I think. Are you ready to go?” He asked with a delicious smile and Lucy nodded.
He reached out a hand, and she calmly placed hers in his, relishing the tingles that shot up her arm. He pulled her up, and led her to the waiting car.
He opened the door for her, and Lucy just raised an eyebrow at the luxurious leather seats and interior. Where did he get this car? She took in the jumper casually thrown on the back seat, and then saw the coins jumbled haphazardly in one of the consoles. His citrusy aroma surrounded her, which didn’t help to clear her thoughts. She just couldn’t figure out the car of his.
“You okay, Lucy?” Ash interrupted her thoughts, as they drove down the road.
“Confused is what I am. Where did this car come from? I’ve seen the car you drive to school, and it definitely isn’t this one,” she said in her normal straightforward manner, making Ash chuckle at her.
“This is my other car,” he answered simply.
“This is about whatever it is that you don’t want to tell me, right?” She looked over at him, and saw him flinch.
“If I told you, I think you would see me differently. You wouldn’t be comfortable sitting here with me, and you sure as hell wouldn’t want a date with me.” He said gloomily, and Lucy's confusion increased.
“Is it illegal or something? That’s probably the only thing that would make me not want to see you.” She said with a frown.
“No! God, no. You know something; can we just talk about this some other time?” He asked, as he shoved a hand through his hair in frustration.
“Sure, so what’s the plan tonight? I didn’t know what to wear because you didn’t tell me what we were doing.” She chided him.
“You look perfect, Lucy. Just perfect.” He whispered, and she felt the heat from the way his gaze skimmed over her, before returning to the road.
“Thank you.” She managed to say, as she looked down at her hands folded in her lap.
“I thought you might like dinner and a movie. I know you didn’t want to go into town so I… do you mind if we just go to my place?” He asked rather hesitantly, as if waiting for her refusal.
“That’s fine, Ash.” She reassured him with a broad smile.
Lucy hoped that it might be an opportunity to be alone. Company always seemed to surround them, giving them no time together since they had announced the upcoming date.
They were going along his long, dusty driveway, when Ash let out an irritated grunt. Lucy looked over, to see his jaw clenched, and an angry look in his eye.
She followed to where he was peering to see most of the lights on in his house. She knew what that meant, Nick must be home, and Ash wasn’t expecting him to be there. He pulled the car up, and sat there for a moment, taking a deep breath.
“Ash?” She reached out a hand, and gently touched a finger to his clenched fist.
“Sorry, Lucy. If he says anything against you then I need you to know that I will completely lose it.” He warned her, as he felt the warmth of her hand against his.
Ash hadn’t told her the way Nick had been since he found out about their date. Unpleasant, was the nicest way that Ash could say it. He had told Nick that if he did anything to hurt Lucy, then he could leave. He could go back to their parents with his tail between his legs, but it seemed that was not enough to deter him.
He forced himself to get out of the car. He then dashed around to open her door for her, and she smiled at his gesture. He reached out a hand again, and she accepted it. His large warm hand sent the normal tingles along her arm, but now it made her feel more secure. With a deep breath, he walked them up and into his house.
Ash’s fingers tightened in hers, once he entered his house. He cursed beneath his breath at the sight before him. At his dining room table, which he had set up earlier for them, sat Nick, and a strange blonde woman. They were eating everything that Ash had organised for his date with Lucy.
“Nice to see you, Nicholas,” Ash said sarcastically, as his anger began to simmer beneath the surface. His brother looked up at him, not at all surprised to see him. He deliberately took another mouthful, and smacked his lips together with satisfaction.
“Oh my! Is that him?” The woman screeched, as she jumped off her chair, and raced over to them. Ash pulled Lucy back from the obsessed looking woman. “You lied! That’s not Martin James!” The woman exclaimed, turning to point to Nick, who just chuckled slyly.
“Look, I don’t know who you are or why you’re in my house eating my date’s dinner, but I suggest that you leave right now.” Ash said decisively, his tone fierce, as he glared at the woman. She looked between the brothers, before abruptly taking her cue to leave.
Lucy had so many things going through her mind that she wasn’t sure what to think. Why would Nick tell that woman that Ash was Martin James? Then again, it would explain the confident singing, the guitar playing, and the car. Lucy peered closely at Ash for a moment, before shaking her head. No, it couldn’t be.
Then she made her most important decision. Even if he were Martin James, which seemed highly unlikely, Lucy would rather get to know him than to walk away from him now.
“What are you playing at Nick? You knew this was for my date with Lucy. Why the hell do you want to ruin that?” Ash growled out the words, as he let go of her hand to gesture to his brother angrily. Nick just smiled smugly.
“You deserve someone better than her,” Nick told him, as he sent a look of disdain towards Lucy, who sucked in a breath at the insult.
“You’re a piece of work, aren’t you?” Lucy said with an unbelievable laugh, “I feel sorry for Ash that he got stuck with you as his brother,"
“Shut up, Tubby! You don’t belong here.” Nick approached her, pointing his finger at her savagely.
“Get out, Nick! Pack up your stuff, and get the hell out of this house,” Ash said, his voice calm but deadly, before turning to Lucy.
“You can’t kick me out! I know way too much about you.” Nick snarled at his brother.
“I’m so tired of you using that. Your twenty two, Nick, why don’t you grow the hell up.” Ash snapped ferociously.
He was both furious, and upset that Nick had ruined his date with Lucy. He’d spent all week looking forward to it, and now it was in shards around him. He didn’t know whether to shout out in utter anguish, or to punch his brother until his knuckles bled. He stood there, as still as could be, while Nick looked back at him angrily.
“You are nothing, but a sp
oilt brat trying to get his own way.” Nick replied, and even to Ash, it seemed weak. Lucy snickered beside him, and Nick turned to her with a sullen glare.
“And what’s so damn funny Tubby?”
“You calling Ash a spoilt brat. That’s like the pot calling the kettle black if ever I’ve heard it.” She said on another chortle.
Ash’s admiration for her went up another notch. She never backed down, and always said her mind, no matter what the situation. Here she was, supposed to be on a date having a great time, and yet she rolled with the punches to one up his brother. Nick was left glaring at her, and trying to splutter out words, but failing miserably.
“Just go Nick; I can’t deal with you anymore,” Ash said with finality, before leading Lucy away into the kitchen.
Curses, both nasty and profound, echoed from above, punctuated by the stamping feet of someone having a tantrum. Ash shook his head, while Lucy let out a small laugh.
“I’m sorry; this is obviously not what I had planned,” he said in a defeated tone, while looking down at the ground.
“Are you sure? It’s been pretty entertaining so far,” she said to try to cheer him up, but he just sighed. “Ash, it’s not your fault that your brother is a jerk, which I’m sure I’ve mentioned before.” Lucy said decisively
“Still doesn’t fix our date.” He muttered.
“Tell you what, have you got some popcorn? We can just sit, and watch a movie, okay.” She encouraged, and he nodded. He searched through the pantry, and found a few bags of the microwave stuff.
“Are you sure that this is okay?” Ash asked, feeling down at how ruined their date turned out. Lucy just smiled at him and nodded
“I’m leaving.” Nick shouted out, making Ash’s shoulders slump, before he walked out to deal with his brother. Lucy continued to watch the popcorn, and tried to give them space.
“You are under a contract to say nothing, and don’t you damn well forget it! I have no problem in giving you nothing if you let your big, mouth loose.” Lucy heard Ash say, as she walked towards them, with a bag of hot buttery popcorn in her hands. Nick’s glare was unbelievably fierce, as he looked towards Lucy.
“Ah, don’t you worry little brother; I won’t forget Martin James any time soon.” He stated in an ominous tone, before snatching up his bags, and slamming the door as he left.
“Are you okay, Ash?”” Lucy asked softly to his dejected figure, as she walked up next to him.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” he muttered “Why the hell can’t I find anyone in this world to trust? Why do they all become such arseholes?” Ash shouted at the closed front door.
Lucy saw his fist flying towards the solid wood door in utter frustration. She quickly reached out to stop him, by pulling on his other arm. He looked at her, astounded, but he felt calmer.
“So, I’m guessing it's true?” Lucy asked, as calmly as she could.
Her heart began to race as she considered Nick's hints. Was she really considering that Ash was Martin James? It seemed ludicrous to think about, let alone accept. The trouble was, why else would Nick mention it?
“Which part?” He asked sardonically, knowing exactly what she meant.
“You know, Ash. There was a reason that Nick brought that woman here, and it wasn’t just so she could eat my dinner. There was a reason that he just insinuated that you aren’t who you say you are,” Lucy reasoned.
“Your brother’s right, you really are too perceptive for your own good,” Ash forced himself to look at her.
“Wait, what does Daz have to do with it?” Lucy butted in.
“He knows. That’s why he wanted to talk to me. He thought I was playing some kind of game, but I’m not, I swear.” Ash said quickly.
“So, you're telling me that you really are Martin James? As in the Martin James? The one I have on my… oh my, God you little sneak! You asked me about that song on my phone, and I didn’t even connect it.” Lucy let out a laugh, which surprised Ash; he thought she would be furious.
“That’s the first song that I ever wrote on my own. It was my first step away from silly fluff pop songs, and into what I wanted. That was my bestselling album, which makes me really proud, because it was songs that actually came from me.” Ash explained, and Lucy felt humbled, awed and completely blown away.
“But… but you don’t even look that much like him. I’ve seen the posters on Penny’s wall and you… don’t you think I would’ve recognised you?” She muttered, feeling a bit light headed and confused.
“Come, and sit down okay. Let me explain.” He pulled the bag of popcorn from her hand, and led her into a lounge room.
She sat down on the couch and stared at him. Yes, he still looked familiar to her, but he sure as hell didn’t look like Martin James. God, was she about to hyperventilate? This was completely, and utterly the most unbelievable thing to ever happen to her.
“I got the idea from Superman actually. He was the take off the glasses, and suddenly you're someone else. The difference is that I’m still going to be me when I take the glasses off. Martin James is just different colours really.” He finished with a shrug.
“Martin James has black hair that he wears a lot longer than mine. He also has bright green eyes. Hang on, and I’ll show you.”
Ash raced upstairs, almost scared to leave her alone. She looked as if she was going to faint a while ago. He took the stairs two at a time on the way back down. He ran into the lounge room to still see her sitting there pondering things, but at least she hadn’t fainted.
“Watch, Lucy, and you’ll understand,” Ash told her gently.
She looked up at him, and when he took off his glasses, he did look much more familiar. He reached into a small contact box to place a blue one on his finger, before popping it in. He did the same with the other, and then he blinked a few times. He looked straight at her, startling her with his undeniable presence.
Lucy gasped, her eyes widening in shock. How could a simple thing like eye colour change everything? He still had the same facial features, but now he looked the spitting image of Martin James, except for the hair colour.
“Oh, geez,” Lucy managed to say.
“Wait, I forgot one thing,” Ash said wryly.
He turned his back, but twisted his face to her, and sent a smouldering look at her. She recognised this pose straight away. Nearly every poster that Penny had of him was like this, normally looking like he was miles away. Right now, his gaze centred on her, and all she could see was Martin James.
“Hell, it's true,” Lucy whispered, and Ash nodded ruefully.
“Yep,” he said, with a resigned sigh.
“Why are you here with me? Shouldn’t you be dating some starlet or something?” She asked, as a weird panic filled her chest, making it impossible to breathe correctly.
“I’m here with you, because you make me laugh. You’re quirky and kind. I know you wouldn’t lie to me. And you don’t take crap from anyone.” He said seriously, as he sat down next to her on the couch.
“Can you take those things out? That is incredibly creepy to look at you like that.” She said as she moved her head back away from his, which just made Ash laugh.
“That’s what I mean. I’ve grown up with everyone around me being nice to my face, and then stabbing me in the back. You are different to that. You’re not afraid to tell me if something I’m doing is bad, or if it bothers you.” He told her as he proceeded to remove his contacts.
“That’s why you said you wanted a normal life. You’ve given me so many hints, and I blindly missed all of them,” she labelled everything, needing some clarity. “The singing at school. I wondered why you were so calm and you sang… you have a beautiful voice.”
“Thank you. Many years of training, as a child when my voice could hit the highest notes.” He explained, as he went to put his glasses back on.
“Don’t,” she reached up her hand to grab his glasses, and sit them back on the table “Unless you need t
hem to see. Your eyes are stunning. I’ve never seen eyes like yours before.” She said with wonder.
Ash had to suck in a breath, as she reached out a hand to touch his cheek. Then, as if she realised what she was doing, she pulled back. She stared at him for a long moment, before gulping in a breath. She put a little bit of distance between them, which disappointed him.
“So, what do I call you now?” She asked him a little breathlessly.
“Lucy, my full name is Ashton Martin James. How about you just keep calling me Ash?”
“Well, at least that will be easy,” she muttered with a small chuckle.
“I need you to tell me how freaked out you are about this,” Ash asked her calmly.
“I’m not going to tell the world, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Lucy replied with a frown.
“No, that’s not what I’m worried about,” he answered, which surprised him. He was always careful with who he actually told the truth to. He knew deep down that Lucy was trustworthy. “I just want us to be able to move on from here, you know? I don’t want to lose what is budding between us because of Martin bloody James!” Ash stated, as he thrust a hand through his hair.
Lucy watched him, and admitted to herself that her worries about it were small. He was Ash, and some contact lenses, along with hair dye would never change that. He still made her heart beat like crazy when he looked at her, she melted at his smile, and she wanted to get to know him more. He was still Ash to her, and nothing would make that any different.
Her only worry was how everyone else would perceive things. Was she ready to put herself in such a position to have society judging her once again? Would she be capable of taking on the ridicule of how it would look with him dating someone normal like her? Could she cope with cameras shoved in her face at every opportunity, and their private life on show to the world?
The most dread she felt, came when she thought of her mother. What if she found out? What if she came back and caused trouble for Ash? Lucy wouldn't put it past her. She shuddered just thinking of that horrible woman.
Her mind swirled with questions, as she worried about what to tell him. She never noticed his concerned face watching her intently. He began setting himself up for the hurt that her words could bring him. The silence stretched between them, only increasing the anxiety rushing through him. He had the worst feeling that this was going to be over, long before it even began.