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I Met Her On the Balcony
I Met Her On the Balcony Read online
I Met Her
On The
Sandra Corton
© 2013 by Sandra Corton
ISBN: 978-0-9943930-2-9
All rights reserved.
Published by Sandra Corton
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design by Marianne Nowicki
To Heather Brende,
You have been a great supporter of my stories,
Thank you.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1- Meetings and questions galore
Chapter 2 – Meetings and friendships made
Chapter 3 – School beginnings
Chapter 4 – Family issues
Chapter 5 – A disaster of a date
Chapter 6 – Arguments escalating
Chapter 7 - Resolutions with chocolate
Chapter 8 - Fights and solutions
Chapter 9 – Style time
Chapter 10 – Red carpet drama
Chapter 11 – Scary but true
Chapter 12 - Front page drama
Chapter 13 – Mothers, brothers and BFFs
Chapter 14 – The trouble with brothers
Chapter 15 – Mystery girl
Chapter 16 – Past explanations
Chapter 17 – A song for one
Chapter 18 – Videos and surprising sisters
Chapter 19 – The return of the mother
Chapter 20 – Too much too soon?
Chapter 21 – Drama and chocolate
Chapter 22 – Fights and resolutions
Chapter 23 – The problem with birthdays
Chapter 24 – Party on
Chapter 25 – Giant cakes and stupid people
Chapter 26 – Bad news and breakups
Chapter 27 – Dinner and a movie…again
Chapter 28 – Love and all its follies
Chapter 29 – Plane sailing?
Chapter 30 – Truth or dare?
Chapter 31 – A party for capture
Chapter 32 – The trouble with mothers
Chapter 33 – Darkness, pain and light
Chapter 34 – Guilt and solutions
Chapter 1 – Meetings and questions galore
Lucy looked around the old Crampton place with a frown. It seemed that the new owners had some unexpected style. Instead of old antiques that were cluttering the room, and the smell of mould, it looked like a rock stars dream.
She grumbled at how loud the music pounded through the room. She wondered where she could sit, and quietly read, while her younger sister partied the night away.
She headed upstairs only to find all the rooms occupied. There were either people making out, vomiting, or drinking copious amounts of alcohol. With a sigh of relief, she finally found the master bedroom. Sure, it appeared locked, but at least it would be private.
She snickered to herself, as if a little lock would stop her! In under a minute, she was in the room, and it was immediately obvious that it was now a guy’s room.
She had to admit that it smelt quite heady. Not that she went around testing how guys smelt, but the citrusy tang in here was enough to make her mouth water.
She shrugged to herself, as she relocked the door, turned on a light, and walked out onto the balcony that overlooked the front drive.
It was a mild spring night, and the music thundering below rang through the quite country air. She sat down on one of the surprisingly comfortable outdoor chairs, pulled out her book, and started reading.
Ash had enough partying to last a lifetime. This was a great way to meet people that lived in this town, but he just wasn’t in the mood.
He pulled the key to his room out of his pocket and sighed. It seemed that no matter where he went, he couldn’t escape the allure of the great Martin James. His song came over the speakers and Ash cringed. Why couldn’t they just leave him be?
He turned the key, pushed the door opened and paused. He knew that he hadn’t left a light on. Had some idiot fan already found him? Had they decided to take matters into their own hands?
He crept quietly into the room, trying to notice if anything was amiss, but everything seemed normal. He turned the light off, and was about to leave when he heard a voice.
“Do you mind? Some of us are trying to read here,” a soft feminine voice called out.
He turned the light back on, and with curiosity filling him, he walked out onto his balcony. Whoever it was hadn’t moved, and it was hard to discern what they looked like on the darkened balcony.
“You know, I’m pretty sure I locked that door,” He said sternly.
“Uh, yeah, sorry about that, but I needed somewhere to sit that wasn’t so damn loud. I also didn't want to have to hear that Martin James song again. Ugh, Penny drives me nuts with that song,” She grumbled and Ash smiled. At least she wasn’t some crazed fan, which was a welcome relief.
“So, not a fan of Martin James, huh?” He asked with a grin, wanting to know what she truly thought.
“It’s not that. The guy can sing, and I really like some of his songs, but my sister is a bit obsessed with him. When you’re forced to listen to the same song pretty much non-stop, I think you would be bored with it too.” She stated simply.
Ash felt undeniable warmth in his chest at her words. She liked his music. He wasn’t sure why that was so important right now, but for some reason it quite simply was.
“So, it’s common for you to break into people’s rooms at parties then?” Ash asked sarcastically, changing the subject, which only made her laugh.
“Nope, everyone else in town normally has somewhere quiet already organised. Now, if you don’t mind, I kind of have some reading to do.” She gestured to her book.
Instead of coming across as obnoxious, Ash found her attitude and confidence appealing. She was much better than the screaming, crazy fans that he dealt with on a daily basis.
“Well, seeing as you broke into my room, I think you owe me.” He stated, and she finally looked away from her book to him.
“Alright, that’s a given,” She closed her book, and turned to him “So, exactly what do I owe you?” She teased, enjoying the banter between the two of them.
Ash wanted to see her, he was almost wishing that he had installed a light out on the balcony. Instead, he could only see her silhouette, which was intriguing enough. Her hair seemed to stand out around her face in a flurry, while her smile shone out even in the darkness.
“How about your name? I would also like to know about your breaking and entering skills,” he enquired with a grin.
“I’m Lucy,” she replied, reaching out her hand for him to shake.
It was only then that she realised what she had said. She hadn’t really told anyone to call her by her first name in years. Everyone just called her Lou. There was something about this particular guy that enticed her. She had wanted him to call her by her name.
“Well, Lucy, burglar extraordinaire, I’m Ash, Ash Martin.”
He grabbed her soft hand in his. She tried to prevent the shiver from running along her spine at his touch. His hand was warm, and large, engulfing hers. She quickly pulled away, and ran her palm down her jean legs to get rid of the tingles.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ash.” She said s
“Nice to meet you, too. I guess it’s about time I hear about your life of breaking and enter…” A frustrated scream from downstairs interrupted him.
“Uh, sorry, I’ve gotta go.” Lucy was up off her chair and out of the room, before he could move.
All he saw was her back with strawberry blonde hair bouncing as she moved. He followed her out, clueless as to what was going on.
Lucy bounded down the stairs, only to find a tall, well-built stranger accosting her sister. Fury raced through her, as she realised that he had a tight grip on her sister's arm. He was trying to pull her to a more secluded part of the house.
“Let her go!” Lucy snapped, making the guy turn to face her with a sneer.
“Who’s gonna make me?” He slurred drunkenly, making Lucy’s anger notch higher.
“Well obviously me,” she told him sarcastically, which finally made him let go of her sister. “Come here. Penny.”
Lucy gestured to her scared, but still undeniably gorgeous looking sister. Penny quickly ran over to her, and hid behind her sister looking intimidated and terrified.
Ash watched from the top of the stairs. His mouth gaped open, at the tiny fiery girl named Lucy standing up to his bulked up older brother. He just couldn’t believe that no one was coming to her defence.
“Bets on! Lou is so going to win this one. She always likes being the underdog,” one guy near him said.
“No way, this one she will totally lose,” another guy piped up.
“Don’t bet against her you idiot, you know she’ll take all our money if – no when she wins.” The first guy said on a groan, as he collected money from others around him.
Ash was shocked that they were taking bets on who was going to win. It seemed all too obvious to him. The girl that had cheekily broken into his room was going to get a thrashing. He turned his gaze back to Lucy standing so bravely up to Nick.
“We’re leaving now, but some advice: Leave my sister alone,” Lucy snarled at him.
“What you stop her from having boyfriends because you’re too fat too get one,” Nick slurred smugly, while the whole room seemed to let out a hiss of breath.
“No, smartarse, I protect her from jerks like you that try to take advantage of her.” Lucy spat back at him.
Ash admired her gumption. She was a fighter, and it seemed that she wasn't giving up. He had never seen a girl act this way. He was so used to girls that squealed and cried over a broken nail that watching Lucy was a heady experience.
“Well, let me tell you something, Miss high and mighty,” Nick strode forward, forcefully pushing a hand at her shoulder, and Ash felt his anger flare. His brother had gone too far this time.
“Nick, stop harassing her.” Ash called out, putting all the focus on himself. Lucy glanced towards him, and sent him a grateful smile.
“It’s okay, Ash. You see he just broke the cardinal rule. As soon as he touched me whatever I do back is self-defence.” Lucy’s words were exceptionally calm.
“Yeah, like you could hurt me, you fat, ugly cow.” Nick laughed drunkenly, as he shoved Lucy again.
Ash saw the look in Lucy’s eye as her hand snapped forward, and punched his brother in the face with a decisive crunch. She followed up with her other fist, while Ash just watched in utter amazement.
The sheer intensity in those bright blue eyes was intoxicating. She sent a smile his way, as his brother howled in pain. Ash felt glued to the spot, all he could do was stand and stare.
He admired the way her red curls bounced, as she walked away triumphant. The way her eyes sparkled intrigued him, and Nick’s jabs about her being fat and ugly were way off. She was breathtaking.
He watched as Lucy very calmly moved towards the group of guys that were betting earlier. She kept her rather scared looking sister protected at all times, even as she grinned at them. Ash was surprised when jealousy shot through him.
“Hand it over, Ren. You know the rules; if you bet against me, then I’m the winner.” Lucy said decisively, as she put her hand out. The original guy that collected the money begrudgingly handed over a wad of cash.
“I told you not to bet against her, Col. You're such a tool.” Ren went flying at the other guy knocking him to the ground.
“Well later, troops! See you down the park tomorrow?” Lucy asked casually. Surprisingly, all the guys in the group looked up at her adoringly, and nodded enthusiastically, as if nothing had happened “Great! See you, Ash.”
She waved up the stairs at a flabbergasted Ash, who vaguely waved back. When he snapped out of things, she had already manoeuvred her way out of the front door. Ash quickly ran back to his room, and out onto the balcony to catch her before she left.
“I wonder if he’s the new owner of this place,” he heard Lucy musing. “If he is, then we won’t be coming here again.”
“Lucy, are you alright?” Ash called out, causing her to look up at him.
“Wait, you let him call you Lucy?” Penny squealed, as she excitedly shook her sister's arm.
“I’m sorry for how my stupid brother treated both of you.” Ash told them sincerely.
“Don’t worry about it, Ash. I’m completely used to it,” Lucy told him with a small smile. “Plus, it’s not your fault that your brother is a complete and utter jerk.” She turned to walk away, and Ash felt panic hit him. He didn’t want her to leave, especially if he wasn’t sure when he would see her again.
“Please, come back up here tomorrow. He owes both of you an apology.” Ash interjected, hoping, almost praying that she would agree.
“No, it’s not that important.” Lucy said, with a swish of her hand.
“Then come up to see me, maybe?” He pleaded, feeling like a bit of an idiot, but he really wanted to see her again, and the sooner the better.
“Fine, it looks like you’ve attracted another one, Penny.” Lucy said with a grumble, as she turned around. Ash felt confused at her words. What did her sister have to do with anything?
“Actually, Lucy, um it’s you I want to see, but your sister is welcome too.” Ash fumbled over the words, glad for the darkness that would hide the red stain on his cheeks.
“Yeah, okay, whatever you reckon,” she told him in a defeated tone, which Ash felt puzzled about “We’ll be up in the morning, okay?” Lucy called out, as she pulled her sister over to their car.
She had felt her heart drop the moment that he mentioned them returning tomorrow. Like always, as soon as any guy saw Penny, they fell for her. Just once, she wished a guy would notice her, as more than a friend.
It wasn’t that Lucy held it against her or anything. Penny was the most gorgeous girl in town, and every guy fell for her, every single time. It was one of the reasons that she was so protective of her sister, that and how crazy innocent she was. Penny trusted everyone, and believed that others were always being truthful and honest.
“Lou, how did you meet that guy? He really likes you,” Penny exclaimed excitedly, interrupting her thoughts as they drove away.
“Ah, yeah, right,” Lucy rolled her eyes.
“He does! He wants us to come back tomorrow.”
“Yeah, both of us. That’s okay; I had to come in to see the guys anyway.” Lucy muttered, while it was Penny’s turn to roll her eyes.
“What did he look like? I couldn’t see him in the dark, but that voice of his was smooth and mellow.” Penny clapped her hands, and stared intently at her sister.
“Uh, okay, I guess.” Lucy answered vaguely.
“Seriously? Tell me the truth.” Penny demanded.
“Ugh, Pen, you’ll see him tomorrow okay, and you can decide for yourself.” Lucy grumbled.
She pulled into the driveway of the farm and sighed. Penny kept hounding her with questions, but Lucy was in no mood to answer. All she knew was that tomorrow was not looking to be much fun.
Chapter 2 – Meetings and friendships made
It was a bright sunny morning, but Lucy couldn’t feel at all excited about i
t. She drove back to the old Crampton place with her heart in her throat. Penny was practically bouncing on her seat with excitement, while Lucy was just dreading it.
She pulled up outside the house, and took a deep breath. She wasn’t surprised that Ash was out to greet them as soon as she had stopped. What did shock her was that he came straight to her door to greet her.
“Hey, Lucy! It’s really great to see you.” His deep melodious voice said cheerfully.
As he helped her out of the car, she noticed his golden, hazel eyes for the first time. He may have been wearing glasses, but they could never hide those eyes. She hadn’t realised exactly how good looking he was last night, and now she couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open.
For some strange reason, he looked incredibly familiar to her, but she couldn’t place where she had seen him before. He had brown hair that fell across the side of his face, which only accentuated his stunning eyes. His eyelashes were so long that she wondered if they were somehow unreal, while his lips looked luscious.
He had high cheekbones and a strong jaw. The slight hints of stubble only made her want to reach out and touch him. She was mesmerised by him, those golden eyes swamping her with their intensity.
“You okay, Lucy?” His voice interrupted her ogling session, as that citrusy tang that seemed to surround him, filled her senses.
“Uh, yeah, fine,” she finally managed to mutter.
Her sister chuckled at her from the other side of the vehicle catching Lucy’s attention. Lucy turned to glare at her, which helped re-establish her equilibrium.
“Hey, Ash.” She said with a smile, as she pushed away from him. She couldn’t seem to think straight with him that close.
“Hi, Lucy,” he repeated his earlier greeting with a cheeky smile, which simply stunned her. He was dangerous out in broad sunlight; she thought to herself. How any girl managed to utter anything around him would be a miracle.
“Um, you didn’t really get to meet my sister last night, so I thought I had better introduce you guys.” Lucy pointed to her sister, who just sent her a questioning look.