I Met Her On the Balcony Page 4
“Uh, just something I’m working on at the moment.” He said rather shyly, as she led the way out of the building.
“Wow, you can play guitar.” Her voice was full of awe and envy.
“Yes, it’s not too hard to learn, you just need lots of time and practice. I could teach you if you want.” He said with a grin.
“I would love to, but I have the worst affinity with instruments. If Mrs Moore saw me in the music room again I think she would faint.” Lucy said sadly, and Ash burst into laughter.
“You can’t be that bad.” He insisted, as she walked over to her car.
“They would only let me play the triangle. So, yes, I was that bad.” She stated emphatically, only making him laugh harder.
“Where do you want to go on the weekend?” Ash asked, after his laughter had died down.
“Uh, I’m not sure, but there is one thing that you will have to do beforehand.” She told him rather uneasily.
“Which is?” He asked, as he bumped his shoulder with hers, while leaning on her car next to her.
“You have to come over and meet my family. They won’t let me go out with anyone they haven’t met.” She said it quickly, hoping that he would understand.
“Okay, I get that. When do you want me to come over?” He replied, which only made Lucy gape at him.
“So, you’re not worried about meeting my family?” She asked in amazement.
“Not exactly. I’m terrified of meeting your family, just in case they hate me. But I really want to go out with you on the weekend.” He said seriously, which only made Lucy smile.
“They won’t hate you,” Lucy promised. “How about tomorrow night. I’ll go ahead and tell them tonight, so they will be ready.”
“Yeah, okay, It’s got to beat any meal that I could make.” He joked, as he reluctantly pushed away from her car, so she could get in.
“Thanks for keeping me company.” She said cheerfully, as she wound down the window.
“That’s no problem, Lucy, like I said; it was my fault that you got stuck in there.” He said with a grin.
“I still can’t believe that you actually did that. You do know that no other guy has even come close to getting up in front of the classroom, let alone singing. Well except Ren, but that was ages ago, and he sounded atrocious.” She said, with a shake of her head, as he leaned in the window.
“Its all in a day’s work for me.” He teased, before he seemed to realise what he said.
Almost instantly, his face closed up. Gone was the cheeky guy from only a few seconds ago. Now he was back to his guarded expression, and Lucy cursed that she had said the wrong thing, yet again.
“So, are we still on for tomorrow night?” She asked hesitantly.
“Yeah, you can’t get out of it that easily.” He told her with a forced laugh.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said as she started the engine and drove away.
He waved as she left, but felt like an idiot. For some reason it was becoming hard to hide his other persona from her. He couldn’t tell her that he had created that melody for her. He could sing in front of the whole school and get her detention. He shook his head at himself, before heading home.
The rain was pouring down, and Lucy was cursing once again. Ash was due to arrive soon, and here she was completely soaked, chasing cattle around a paddock. She’d spent the whole day trying to picture how tonight would go, but she never imagined this.
Lights came up the driveway, and she felt a bit panicked that he would only have her step-mum and Penny for company. She was grateful that Daz wasn’t due home yet.
“Lucy, focus! This is the last lot. He will be fine.” Her dad called out, but she wasn’t quite sure.
With a grumble to herself, she quickly finished her work, before heading back to the stables. She was pulling the saddle off her horse, Thumper when she first heard voices.
She groaned when she realised that it was Penny and Ash. They couldn’t have turned up at a worst time. She knew her hair was hanging in wet strands around her face. She was sure that dirt, grime and God knows what else covered her. There wasn’t anything remotely pretty about her at all. Why couldn’t Penny have waited until she was at least changed?
“Lucy, there you are. I thought you got drowned in the rain,” Penny teased.
“Yeah, well some of us have work to do. You should go, before this set off your allergies, Penny,” Lucy told her, and right on cue, her sister sneezed.
“Alright, I’m going.” Penny said through another sneeze, as she walked back out of the stable. Silence reined when she left, and Lucy just felt awkward.
“Sorry that I wasn’t there to meet you.” Lucy said, as she picked up one of Thumper’s brushes.
“That’s okay, you were busy. You certainly have an interesting after school job,” He gestured to Thumper.
“A family farm is a job for life, there’s no escaping it.” Lucy said ruefully
“What about Penny? She seemed a lot dryer than you do.” Ash stated, as he watched her feed the horse, and began to brush him down.
“Penny’s pretty much allergic to the farm. She spends most of her time indoors, or she would be sneezing like crazy.” Lucy explained.
“Do you have your own horse?” Ash gestured to the bay she was brushing.
“Yes, this is Thumper. I’ve had him since he was a foal.” She said proudly.
“I’ve never been riding.” Ash admitted, while looking at her hopefully.
“Do you want to go riding one day?” Lucy asked, noticing his rather wistful expression “I promise I can ride well. Much better than I can play an instrument.”
He snorted with laughter, and she couldn’t help but watch as his eyes lit up, and his whole face scrunched up endearingly. She smiled back at him, as she continued to brush her horse.
“So, will you take me?” He asked softly.
“Of course, as long as you’re prepared to not be able to move the next day.” She said with a chuckle, while he just looked perplexed.
“Do you want me to help you?”
“Sure, just pick up a brush and do his other side.” She encouraged.
A veritable blizzard of hair went flying between them, making them both laugh. In the grey of the afternoon with the rain pounding on the tin roof above them, Lucy felt her anxiety ease. They were laughing and joking together, as if they had known each other forever.
It was only when their hands brushed as they were working, that they stopped. Her hand tingled from that simple connection, and she could only stare into those golden eyes of his. The stable door opened with a bang, startling them both, as her father led his horse into the stable.
“Lucy, my girl, I thought you would have been done by now. Ah, now I understand.” The man said with a smile.
Ash saw the older man that he assumed was Lucy’s father walk over to them. He had silvery grey hair with a jolly looking face. He was a stocky man with broad shoulders, and a deep tan on his skin.
“Hello lad, you must be Ash. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Bill.” The older man said heartily, as he stuck out his hand to shake.
“Hi, how are you?” Ash asked with a gulp.
“Well, boy, a little on the damp side to be honest.” Bill chuckled, as they shook hands firmly.
At the sound of a car both Lucy and Bill looked up a bit nervously. Ash had no idea why, he thought everything had been going along great.
“Listen, I’ll go and deal with…” Bill pointed to the door “You put Pepper away.” Bill said and Lucy nodded decisively.
Bill scurried out the door, and Ash felt a bit confused, but he felt good about their meeting. Lucy’s dad seemed like the nicest man in the brief moment that they had met. Much better than his money hungry, father.
“Well, that went pretty well,” He said, and Lucy shrugged.
“Yeah, it did, my Dad’s a great guy,” she said cheerily, but he could still detect a current of nervousness in her voice.
> Lucy pulled off the saddle, and threw it over a railing. She could only wonder how to tell him about her older brother who acted more like her father at times.
Daz had not been impressed to hear about her going on a date. He had asked Lucy a ton of questions about Ash, until she had got exasperated and stopped answering.
Lucy eyed Ash, and felt guilty for not telling him earlier. Daz could be hard to deal with, even on a good day. She forked some hay in for the other horse, and thought that maybe it was time to face the music.
“I guess we had better head in," she said reluctantly, breaking the silence.
“Okay,” he said quietly, trying to think what had changed her good mood “Did I do something to upset you?” He finally asked a bit sadly, and Lucy turned to look at him.
“No it’s just… I’m not sure how this meal is going to go.” She said honestly, before they dashed towards the house.
“What do you mean? I’ve met your Mum and Dad. They seem nice. I’m pretty sure they liked me.” Ash tried to reassure her.
“Yeah but you haven’t met….” She trailed off, as Penny came rushing out to them, her eyes wide.
“Daz is on the war path.” Penny warned her, and Lucy groaned.
“Who is Daz?” Ash asked curiously, as they walked into the kitchen.
“That would be me.” A stern voice said.
The man instantly intimidated Ash. He was tall, broad and rather fierce looking. Father and son looked quite similar, but where Bill’s face reflected a happy life, Daz seemed to be the opposite with his fierce expression. The police uniform definitely wasn’t helping.
“Lucy, go and have a shower; you look like a drowned rat.” Daz pointed to Lucy.
“Uh, yeah thanks for your support, oh brother of mine.” Lucy said sarcastically.
“I need to have a little chat with your boy here.” Daz said in a menacing tone, and Ash felt fearful for the first time in a very long time.
“No, I'm not leaving Ash alone with you.” Lucy replied fiercely.
“Yes, you are.” Daz hissed through his teeth.
Ash was more surprised than anyone was when Lucy grabbed his hand, and started pulling him away from her brother, as they argued a bit more. He was astounded at how she was defending him. It softened the chunk of him that had hardened over time when others had thrown Martin James to the wolves.
“Lucy, its fine. Your brother has every right to talk to me. You go have a shower and warm up, okay.” Ash told her determinedly, while she looked at him with worry in her eyes.
“Don’t let him boss you around.” Lucy had leaned up to whisper to him, before nodding her head and walking away. Daz looked at him for a moment with admiration in his eyes, which smoothed quickly into a scowl.
“We are going for a drive. How long till dinner, Mum?” Daz asked into the silence, after Lucy had walked up the stairs.
“About half an hour, love.” She called out from the pantry.
“Good. let’s go.” Daz pointed to the door, and Ash walked out with his heart hammering in anxiety.
He was beginning to wonder if he would even make it to dinner, as Daz drove away from the house. He pulled up only a short distance away, but out of sight of the house. The man turned to him, and Ash tried not to gulp. He was as scary as hell.
“I know who you are, Ashton Martin James. Now, you need to tell me why the hell a mega star wants to become involved with my little sister.” Daz stated abruptly, leaving Ash in complete shock. He couldn't believe that he'd already been discovered, and by Lucy’s brother of all people.
“How… did… you…” Ash stammered out.
“I’m a cop. I’ve spent the last while checking up on you. Now, answer my question. Are you playing some sick game with her? Because if you are then be prepared for the thrashing of a lifetime.” Daz punched his fist into his other hand, while Ash could only stare at him fearfully, his heart jackhammering in his chest
“I like Lucy. She’s special and different. She’s beautiful, kind, and loyal. What would make you think I want to hurt her?” Ash finally found the gumption to return in a stammering voice.
“Why are you hiding in a backwater like our little town?” Daz returned smartly.
“I wanted to just have a normal life for a while. I’m so tired of not being able to be me, except in my songs. I just wanted to be Ash for a change.” Ash explained, and he saw a softening of Daz’s face.
“And where does Lucy fit into this?” Daz demanded.
“Lucy surprises me, she makes me laugh. I know she wouldn’t… she wouldn’t…” He trailed off, looking distressed.
“Is this about that last girlfriend of yours?” Daz asked seriously, and Ash nodded, surprised by the other man's assessment.
“She made that all up, okay. I swear that none of it was true. I like the fact that Lucy is honest with me. She’s not like any girl I’ve ever met before.” Ash couldn’t hide the wonder in his words.
“What are you going to do when she figures it out? Lucy hates it when people lie to her.” Daz threw in and Ash balked.
“She knows there’s something I haven’t told her. She’s known since the first day I met her.” Ash answered, and Daz let out a small smile.
“Yes, she is incredibly perceptive.”
“And smart too. She fights for things she believes in. She’s awesome.” Ash finished with a smile, not really realising what he had just said.
“She likes you a lot,” Daz told him outright. “That’s why I wanted to have this little chat with you. I needed to see that you weren’t taking her for a ride.”
“What? She likes me. How could you know that?” Ash asked in surprise.
“She has never brought a guy home before. That’s how I know.” Daz said quietly.
“I’m not out to hurt her. I don’t know what will happen with Martin James but… I’m not playing any games. I just happen to really like your sister,” Ash blurted out, thinking that he sounded ridiculous, until he dared to look over at Daz. He was shocked to see a smile on the man’s face. Gone was the scowling, serious face instead, he looked almost relieved.
“Good, let’s get back for dinner. You do understand that if you cause her any pain that you have to deal with me right.” Daz turned back into his serious cop demeanour.
“I think I figured that out the moment I first saw you.” Ash said dryly, and Daz once again surprised him, by chuckling heartily.
He started the car and drove them back. Ash saw Lucy standing at the front door tapping her foot impatiently, which only made him smile.
“Your secret is safe with me, but I know Lucy, and she will figure it out.” Daz warned him, as he pulled up to the house.
“I figured as much. It seems hard to get things by her.” Ash said with a shrug.
Before he could open the door to get out, Lucy had ran out into the rain, and opened it for him. She looked between the pair of them suspiciously, until she finally relaxed.
“What did he say to you?” She demanded straight away, with her eyes fiery and bright.
“Will you just get out of the rain, Lucy?” Daz said in exasperation, making Ash grin at her.
“He just wanted to let me know that if I hurt you that he’ll return the favour.” Ash answered honestly, and though she scowled at her brother, she looked relieved.
“C’mon then, Mum made her famous chicken pie.” She said, as she walked back to the porch.
Ash followed her into the kitchen where a normal family conversation was going on. The house smelled delicious which the chicken pie was undoubtedly. Ash felt right at home as they handed him cutlery to put on the table, while Lucy carried the plates.
He was surprised to feel so included. It seemed that when the McConnell family accepted someone, there was no hesitation. He had never felt as welcomed as he did, while sitting at their table.
He smiled at Lucy from across the table, and envied the life she had here. She had love from many, was fiercely protected, but also encou
raged. She had everything that he had always wanted from his family, but had never received. He sat back in the warmth of this family's life and basked happily, hoping that it would never end.
Chapter 5 – A disaster of a date
The week had passed by incredibly fast. Ash was surprised to find his life slotting into the world of normality, just as he had wanted it to.
Dinner with Lucy’s family may have been one of the scariest, most intimidating, but enjoyable times of his life. He had also found an unexpected trust there. Someone knew his secret, and that person was willing to keep quiet about it, which he had never had before.
He had also found loyalty in Lucy for him, which was also something he rarely found in his life. Every member of his family had sold him out, at least once in his life. Especially when they could get better exposure from the media, so they could make more money at his expense.
Now, it was the day that he had most been looking forward to, his date with Lucy. She had told him that she didn’t just want to go into town where everyone would see them. Ash listened to her, and ordered caterers to make a great dinner at his house. He wasn’t sure if Lucy would be fine with it, so he was feeling quite nervous.
Meanwhile, Lucy was frantically rushing around her house, while trying to decide what to wear. Ash hadn’t told her what they were doing, or where they were going, so she couldn’t decide on an outfit.
“Will you just chill,” Penny stated calmly.
“I’ve got nothing to wear, Penny! I’m going to end up completely naked. What do I do?” Lucy screeched in panic.
“You have plenty to wear, but if you can’t decide, here.” Penny thrust a long emerald green maxi dress at her sister.
“You know I can’t fit into your clothes,” Lucy said quietly.
Most of the time she envied Penny for her skinny frame. She could wear anything, and still look perfect. Lucy though had curves. She had inherited her mother’s hourglass shaped figure, along with her more than generous sized breasts.
“I bought this for you, Lucy; it’s in your size. Wear it with this, in case it gets cold tonight,” Penny told her, as she pulled a pale cream cardigan out, and handed it to Lucy.